DOI: 10.36016/VM-2021-107-9

Veterinary Medicine: inter-departmental subject scientific collection. 2021. Issue 107. P. 56–61.

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Kurbatska О. V., Orobchenko O. L.

National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

The article presents the results of studying the validation characteristics of the express method for determining the general toxicity of feed using bioluminescent microorganisms Photobacterium phosphoreum. The work used lyophilized culture Ph. phosphoreum (strain IMV B-7071; Sq3) and Colpoda steinii dry culture for ecological and toxicological studies of environmental objects, livestock and poultry products (RC № АВ-02438-01-11, produced by “Vidrodzhennia” LLC, Odesa). Measurement of the luminescence intensity of luminescent bacteria was performed on a luminometer EMILITE-1003A. To quantify the effect on luminescence of bacteria we used toxicity index to conclude on the degree of toxicity of the sample. When testing Colpoda steinii the mobility of ciliates was the criterion for assessing the toxicity of the studied feed samples. Validation parameters of the express method for determining the general toxicity using photoluminescent microorganisms Ph. phosphoreum were established according to ISO 16140:2003 “Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Protocol for the validation of alternative methods (IDT)”. There was conducted a comparative study of alternative method (determination of total feed toxicity using Ph. phosphoreum) and standard method (determination of toxicity using infusoria Colpoda steinii in accordance with DSTU 3570-97 “Feed grain, products of its processing, feed. Determination of toxicity”. The test object was a grain mixture (barley–wheat 50:50), toxicant — mycotoxin zearalenone. During the validation of the method, the following parameters were determined: relative specificity, relative accuracy, control of intralaboratory reproducibility, luminescence stability, linearity, convergence, detection limit and method determination limit. It has been established that the technique is specific, accurate, linear, reproducible. Optimal conditions and shelf life for Ph. phosphoreum: in tubes on a dense nutrient medium at a temperature of 4°C with monthly reseeding for 7 months, and optimal conditions and time of cultivation before the study: in tubes on a liquid nutrient medium at a temperature of 26°C 24 h after seeding. The limit of detection of the method (for zearalenone) is 0.125 μg/cm3, and the limit of determination is 0.25 mg/kg of feed

Keywords: express method, zearalenone, Colpoda steinii


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