The rules of the appearance of articles in the Inter-departmental subject scientific collection “Veterinary medicine”
The Inter-departmental subject scientific collection “Veterinary medicine” that included to the list of specialized publications of the Certified Staff Evaluation Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, publishes the articles in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Materials for publication must be submit in an electronic variant and in two copies of the printed text (signed by the authors on the last page).
1. Volume: up to 5 pages.
2. Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt.
3. The spacing line: single.
4. Parameters of page: left margin - 25 mm, right margin - 15 mm, top and bottom margins - 20 mm.
The order of presentation material:
1. UDC number.
2. Title of the article.
3. Surname and initials of the author (s).
4. Name of organization, city.
5. Annotation - in original language.
6. Keywords.
7. A brief literature review, actuality, aim of the work, materials and methods, results of work, conclusions and prospects for future investigations.
8. References must be executed in accordance with DSTU(SSU) GOST(SS) 7.1:2006, DSTU(SSU) 3582-97, GOST(SS) 7.12-93, GOST(SS) 7.11-2004. Links to sources are numbers in square brackets. References must be contain at least 4 sources for last 10 years.
9. Abstracts attached to the article in Ukrainian (Russian) and English necessarily. It should include:
− Title of the article;
− Surname and initials of the author (s), the name of organization, city;
− The aim of the work;
− Materials and methods;
− The results of the work;
− Conclusions;
− Keywords.
Abstract volume must be between 200 to 300 words.
Tables, figures, photographs, graphics are placed in the text after the first mention of them.
It must be attached to the article: review, expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing and application form of the author (s) (Full name and position, company name, postal address, telephone and E-mail).
The articles will be reviewed and edited additionally.
The Editorial Board reserves to itself the right to reject materials that do not respond to subjects, issued with a violation of these rules or articles that received a negative review.
Materials for publication send to: Ukraine, 61023, Kharkov, Pushkinskaya str. 83, or on email:
Publication costs 50 UAH / Page.
Sincerely, the Editorial Board